
Check Website Uptime and Availability Worldwide

Website Uptime tool tests the availability and performance of a website or server from multiple locations worldwide. Visit

Check your Website Uptime

Get to know when your website goes down with our online uptime checking tool for free. There is no need to install or download any software.

Free Website Uptime Status Checker

We built IsItWP's free website uptime status checker to offer you the best way to analyze whether your website is down for everyone or just you.

Free Website Uptime Test

Know if your site is down from locations worldwide. Uptrends' Free Website Uptime tool tells more than forty of Uptrends' 233 checkpoints to send a request ...

Global Uptime Test

Use this free website speed test tool to analyze how fast your website loads from different locations across the globe.


HostTracker offers you around the clock monitoring and reports of uptime and response time giving you alerts of maintenance scheduling and database monitoring.

Service Uptime

Free website monitoring service checks your site from worldwide locations and alerts you instantly via email or SMS when it becomes unavailable.

Uptime Checker

Online Uptime Checker. Check to see if a website is up with our uptime checker. Just enter a domain name to see if it's down for you or everyone.


The world's leading uptime monitoring service. Get 50 monitors with 5-minute checks totally FREE. Start monitoring in 30 seconds.

Website Availability Test

Test website availability and website uptime from more than 30 locations worldwide. Free website availability and performance test from multiple locations.